Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Miss M

Miss M is so beautiful and photogenic it was hard to choose just a few to show off but I narrowed it down!

The "K" Family

The "S" kids

These cuties are always fun to photograph, their sister was not all cutsied up for this session so I only got pics of the three of them but they were fun and full of their own poses, I love this older age!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

They belong to me

This is just one of my favorite storyboards ever but it could be because I'm a little biased because the little boys are my babies, super cute and always getting after me to put my camera down :)


Friday, October 29, 2010

The "k" kids

These two little cuties were super easy and fast to get good pictures of - I have so many but these are a few of my favorites - If only my own children were this cooperative!

The "H" Family

This family was so incredibly cute and a ton of fun to photograph. The two little girls were impossible not to fall in love with and made the experience a ton of fun. Thanks again guys for letting me take your pictures!!